As It Happens6:04These men review sticks online, and they have a whole community of ‘stick-heads’ behind them
“The grain is just beautiful,” says a bearded man standing in the forest, cradling a long, spiralling stick that he found on the ground.
“It’s cascading down almost waterfall-eque,” he says in a video review as he gently caresses the metre-long, helix-shaped branch with his finger, before bringing it in for a deep sniff.
“Smells like sage,” he says approvingly. “Some eucalyptus in there, too.”
The verdict is in. It’s a 10/10 stick, says Utah’s Boone Hogg, who, along with his buddy Logan Jugler, runs the popular Instagram account Official Stick Reviews.
“When we started the stick page, we felt that there must be other people…