SAN FRANCISCO — Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco is full of surprises, and there’s one that sneaks up on you.
Known as the Bay Area Bushman, he’s a local legend who has been startling unsuspecting tourists.
“You’ll never forget that a bush is just randomly jumping out at you on the street,” said Cory Barnette, the man behind the shrub.
Twice a week, Barnette makes his way to the promenade and gets into his costume made of vine and shrub. Then, he plants himself in the middle of the action, ready to ambush unsuspecting victims.
“I like a good jump scare,” said Marie Marks, a tourist from Indiana.
“I like to prank people, so I appreciate a good prank.” Cassie Lujan, a mom from Sacramento, said she brought her kids to San Francisco…