A West Roxbury resident filed a 311 complaint yesterday about what he or she considers a completely “woke” graffiti mural that just went up on the side of the Joyce Kilmer School on Baker Street, in one of the largest spleen ventings we’ve seen on 311 in many a year:
This is a Disgusting [piece of vomit] ! I have lived here all my 58 years and my parents and Grandparents grew up in West Roxbury over 175 years … We the the community was never informed. … You have to go in front of a board of Select men and city council! This Is illegal . We don’t want this !!! Get rid of it !! Our Relistate just Plummet Down ! We pay taxes to the city of Boston and our tax money is going to this painting! … this is Illegal and it is Graffiti. This…