UK thieves are stealing anti-burglary dogs (possible nsfw content on page)
What nobody tells you about sleeping in a Snowtel
"Surrender or Die" is simple, elegant, and yet not at all a good proposal for a peace plan
The Supreme Court is about to declare DEI a thoughtcrime
The volcano alert level is at yellow, will be changed to brown-in-underpants if the thing erupts
Alaska Airlines is the airline with which you do not fark
Up to now, it has been legal to torture people in Hawaii
Trump golf course in Ireland gets new holes
BC women held in detention indefinitely, without breaking any laws, ICE strikes again
Any ghost fart is alarming, but China's ghost cities are particularly gassy
You can get a luxurious facial in a jail cell. Must...resist...easy...joke
3 pounds of fentanyl recovered in OKC, every cop in the state now calling in dead to work
Pickleball for life. Asinine tag shanks Amusing tag
"Give us the CBD oil. We have pythons and we're not afraid to use them"
You are now free to shoot about the cabin
Meet Clark Kent's brother he never talks about, where the S stands for something entirely different
The perfect house for your friendly drug cartel boss
Today is National Earmuff Day, so make sure you get up to your ears in muff